Thursday, April 19


Belgian punk rockers T.C.Matic once sang 'Oh-la-la-la'. It is a song title that is conspicuously absent from this, frankly mental, website for a Brussels hotel.

Take a look.

For those of you who have stumbled upon this site while googling Brussels' hotels, then today would appear to be your lucky day.

It appears that, particularly if you resemble Steve Martin, you'll be met at reception by a sexy woman quoting song titles and then you'll partake in some ooh-la-la in a fancy white room.

As T.C.Matic also said: putain, putain, c'est vachement bien.

1 comment:

Daphne Wayne-Bough said...

Is it a hotel de passe furnished by Ikea? I passed by it the other day, fanciful website for very dull looking hotel. TC Matic were great though.